does ketamine therapy get you high

Does Ketamine Therapy Get You High? A Comprehensive Guide to Its Effects and Safety


Ketamine therapy has emerged as a significant advancement in the treatment of mental health conditions such as depression and PTSD. However, due to ketamine’s history as a recreational drug, many people are concerned about whether ketamine therapy gets you high. This article aims to provide clarity on this topic by exploring how ketamine therapy works, how it differs from recreational use, and what you can expect in terms of effects and safety.

What is Ketamine Therapy?

Ketamine therapy refers to the medical use of ketamine to treat various mental health disorders. Initially developed as an anesthetic, ketamine has been repurposed for its rapid antidepressant effects.

Definition and Purpose: In a clinical setting, ketamine is used to address conditions like major depressive disorder and PTSD, particularly when other treatments have failed. This therapy offers a novel approach with potentially rapid relief from symptoms.

Mechanism of Action: Unlike traditional antidepressants that primarily target the serotonin system, ketamine therapy works on the brain’s glutamate system. This action can lead to quicker improvement in mood and reduction in symptoms, offering an advantage for those who have not responded well to conventional treatments.

Ketamine Therapy vs. Recreational Use

Therapeutic Use: During ketamine therapy, the drug is administered under strict medical supervision. Dosages are carefully controlled to achieve therapeutic effects without leading to a high. The primary goal is symptom relief and mood enhancement, not intoxication.

Recreational Use: Recreational use of ketamine involves higher doses and less controlled settings. This can result in intense dissociation and a significant “high,” which is not the intention or outcome of medical ketamine therapy. Recreational use carries risks such as addiction, severe psychological effects, and impaired cognitive function.

Does Ketamine Therapy Get You High?

Effects During Therapy: Patients undergoing ketamine therapy may experience mild dissociation or altered sensory perceptions. These effects are generally transient and managed within the clinical environment. However, they are not comparable to the “high” experienced with recreational use, which is characterized by a more intense and prolonged euphoria.

Controlled Environment: The controlled setting of ketamine therapy ensures that any potential for a high is minimized. The therapeutic dosages are far lower than those used recreationally, and the presence of medical professionals helps in maintaining safety and effectiveness.

Safety and Side Effects of Ketamine Therapy

Short-Term Side Effects: Common side effects during ketamine therapy include dizziness, nausea, and temporary changes in perception. These are typically managed by healthcare providers and are not considered severe or long-lasting.

Long-Term Effects: Research into the long-term effects of ketamine therapy is ongoing. Current studies suggest that, when administered correctly, ketamine has a low risk of long-term adverse effects. Regular monitoring and follow-up care help in ensuring continued safety for patients.

Safety Measures: To ensure the safe use of ketamine therapy, it is crucial that the treatment is administered by qualified healthcare professionals. Adhering to established guidelines and protocols helps in minimizing risks and managing any potential side effects effectively.

Efficacy of Ketamine Therapy

Clinical Research and Studies: Clinical studies have demonstrated that ketamine therapy can be effective in reducing symptoms of depression and PTSD. These studies highlight ketamine’s rapid onset of action and potential benefits for individuals who have not responded to traditional treatments.

Patient Outcomes: Many patients report significant improvements in mood and overall mental health following ketamine therapy. Success stories and clinical evidence support its role as a valuable treatment option, though individual responses can vary.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Legal Status: The legality of ketamine therapy varies by region. In many places, ketamine is approved for therapeutic use under strict regulations, but access can differ depending on local laws and healthcare policies.

Ethical Considerations: Ethical issues related to ketamine therapy include ensuring that the treatment is administered responsibly and that patients are fully informed about potential risks and benefits. Proper ethical practices are crucial to maintaining the integrity and efficacy of ketamine therapy.

Alternatives to Ketamine Therapy

Other Treatments for Mental Health: While ketamine therapy offers a promising alternative, other treatments are available for mental health conditions. These include traditional antidepressants, psychotherapy, and various alternative therapies. Each treatment has its benefits and considerations, and the choice of therapy should be based on individual needs and circumstances.

Personal Stories and Testimonials

Real-Life Experiences: Personal stories from individuals who have undergone ketamine therapy can provide valuable insights into its real-world effects. Testimonials from patients and healthcare professionals can offer perspectives on the benefits and challenges of ketamine therapy.


In conclusion, ketamine therapy is a medically supervised treatment designed to alleviate symptoms of mental health conditions, and it is not intended to induce a recreational high. Understanding the differences between therapeutic and recreational use of ketamine helps clarify its role and benefits. Consulting with a healthcare provider can provide further guidance on whether ketamine therapy might be a suitable option for you.

Resources and Further Reading

For more information on ketamine therapy, including research studies and expert opinions, please refer to the resources listed. Additionally, finding licensed healthcare providers and support networks can offer further assistance and information.